Presents and Puppies


HI EVERYONE! I am Sofia … Tyson’s big gift for Christmas. Tyson taught me to type. Impressive, right? I am really fluffy. And I like eating yard snacks (aka, pinestraw, pinecones, and leaves). I used to live with this nice lady that I hear people call G-mom, then I came to live with this boy who’s awesome and NOT fuzzy like me. Excuse me while I chew on my foot (nom, nom, nom). I also live with this grumpy old dog that never wants to play with me, but I think if I keep trying, maybe she’ll play with me. Maybe.

SOFIA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING! GET DOWN FROM THAT OFFICE CHAIR! Tyson here. I don’t understand why she was typing all this. Let me just read it. Okay, I guess all this was true.

Enjoy the photos!

7 comments on “Presents and Puppies”

  1. The pictures are AWESOME. Sofia is adorable! Love all the pictures, especially the ones with Tyson and Sofia. Please send me a couple of those. Love you all bunches and bunches!

    1. OK now I looked at all the pictures, not just the doggy ones, and more than anything I love the one of Tyson hugging his mommy. That may be my favorite picture ever.

  2. Those are really great photos, indeed. Sofia is an adorable little dog, and I particularly like the pics of Tyson and her. Cuteness maximus! Good family photos as well.

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