Happy 2016


Hope everyone’s new year is off to a great start!

Before Christmas fades too far from our memories, we wanted to send out photos (click here). It was a pretty quiet and rainy Christmas for us. It was also pretty crafty! Tyson tie dyed t-shirts for all the grandparents. He loves a good project, so we found several decorating and baking activities for him too. This year, we added a second inflatable dinosaur to the family. I’ve entered the 10th tier of acceptance: obsession. Now I want to create an entire Dino holiday theme – picture pterodactyls pulling Santa’s sleigh…I can only dream.

Thus far, January has been exciting: saw the monster trucks again, had a little snow, and Tyson broke his foot. It happened at home when he jumped down the stairs – now he has a lovely blue cast for the next 3 weeks.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2016!

One comment on “Happy 2016”

  1. Oh man! I hope his little foot heals quickly. Love that he still has a smile on his face, such a trooper.

    I’m imagining a yard full of inflatable dinosaurs! CAN’T WAIT!

    Love all the crafts!

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