Movin’ Right Along


Long time, no update, huh? We’ve been busy – check out the progress in the nursery! It’s been painted and Travis obviously put a lot of work into the crib (thanks to G-mom for that contribution!). Now we are on the hunt for the perfect chair – you know, the kind that is so comfortable, you forget it’s 2 AM and you’re up with a screaming child. They make those, right?

Now that we have a place for Cletus to sleep, the next few weeks will be spent getting ourselves ready. We’ve got birthing classes, a hospital tour, pediatrician interviews, and most important – baby showers! I think Travis gets a little twitchy thinking about the amount of baby “stuff” that will soon invade every inch of the house.

We had a doc appointment a few days ago and found out Cletus is a bit of an overachiever – he’s growing ahead of schedule. They assured us that doesn’t mean he’ll make an early appearance, he’s just shaping up to be a big ole boy! We’ll have new pictures of him shortly – our 3D ultrasound is coming up. Check back soon (really)!

7 comments on “Movin’ Right Along”

  1. Woo Hoo! look at that crib.. good job Travis! Cant wait to see all of you!The 3D ultrasound should be amazing…. Can’t wait to get another glimpse of the big boy. I am sure he is going to be the cutest thing in the world. Looking forward to the shower Amanda! Miss Ya!


  2. My suggestion, get the really nice one that leans back and rocks. 🙂 I am soooo excited to meet Cletus. You do realize that we are all calling him that now and you are going to have to use that somewhere in his name. LOL Love you guys!

  3. Good job Travis and may I say I like that you have a nice cold adult beverage to celebrate your building success. 🙂

  4. Hey, what a great 3D video! I’m just amazed how he’s coming along. It’s almost like he’s a newborn in his crib, having a little sleep.
    And Happy Birthday for two weeks ago, Amanda.
    Travis, it looks like you’ve got the right idea for baby furniture assembly. I hope it didn’t come from Ikea, but I guess you would have an allen key in your hand instead of a beer and you certainly wouldn’t be smiling, lol.

    All the best, you two. Can’t wait for the big day! Hurry up, Amanda!!

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